Carl Witthoft
Author of 13 CRAN packages
Carl Witthoft has worked on 13 packages so far. Wow, Carl Witthoft is really cranking out the code—this is dedication on another level! Carl Witthoft teamed up with 33 other developers, making this project a gigantic collaborative effort. The coding world is a better place for it!
13 Packages
- AIFFtoolsRead AIFF Files and Convert to WAVE Format
- FunWithNumbersFun with Fractions and Number Sequences
- RfractranA 'FRACTRAN' Interpreter and Some Helper Functions
- bigBitsPerform Boolean Operations on Large Numbers
- cgwtoolsMiscellaneous Tools
- contFracRContinued Fraction Generators and Evaluators
- convertBCDConvert Decimal to Binary-Coded Decimal (BCD) Form and Vice Versa
- evilDiceTest Dice Sets for Intransitive Properties
- fitConicFit Data to Any Conic Section
- go2bigqConvert Large Numbers to Bigq Format
- ktsolveConfigurable Function for Solving Families of Nonlinear Equations
- plotrixVarious Plotting Functions
- vecsetsLike Set Tools in 'Base' Package but Keeps Duplicate Elements
- Jose Gama
- Nikolai Chernov
- Rolf Turner
- Ulrike Groemping
- Thomas Petzoldt
- Derek Ogle
- Christophe Dutang
- Bill Venables
- Henrik Singmann
- Remko Duursma
- Peter Solymos
- Ben Bolker
- Duncan Murdoch
- Hadley Wickham
- Jim Lemon
- Barry Rowlingson
- Olivier Eterradossi
- Gabor Grothendieck
- Ofir Levy
- Sander Oom
- Eduardo Klein
- Anupam Tyagi
- Michael Toews
- John Kane
- Julian Stander
- Elisa Biancotto
- Robby Engelmann
- Michael Hecker
- Felix Steinbeck
- Hans Borchers
- Ted Toal
- Darshan Baral
- The CRAN Team